Brynmere Glade (Past Chronicle - 2012)

It has been twenty years since the defeat of Arisyeema the Deceiver. In that time, Imarel has enjoyed a period of peace unknown for many centuries. In this time of learning, old sorcery is re-discovered and technology has made steady advances.Train tracks begin to cut across the continent of Tal`Rah into dangerous territory and small villages alike, bringing increased trade and wealth. 

The small town of Brynmere Glade is no different, having prospered in this economic boom. But recent events have  brought worry to the hard-working townsfolk who have but a single sheriff and their own simple weapons to protect them from the nameless evils lurking in the nearby wood. A search for heroes has begun to answer these unseen threats; will you answer the call?

Chronicle Features

  • Lexianna's Boarding House- Center of the Action

    Careb's Hookah Bar and House of Pleasure is decadent, if anything. Situated on the North Wall of the Caravansary, facing Mme. Sehellie's Bathhouse, this magnificent three-storey structure features a row of majestic ionic columns supporting the second floor balcony, crafted of polished diorite.

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  • Brynmere Glade and Surrounding Territories

    The bulk of the Outpost itself is a massive three-storey square structure, which consists of dozens upon dozens of rooms facing inwards, forming the four walls surrounding a central courtyard large enough to accommodate the myriad caravans that pass through the area.

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  • Brynmere Glade NPCs

    All of the colorful and interesting folk who can be found at Lexianna's Boarding House!

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