Mira's Hope (Current Chronicle)

Mira's Arms - By K. Johnson v.1 2021

Center of the Action

Because this building is original a family home, the whole air of the place gives off a sense of comfort. But because it was the original home of a woman fleeing from a host of enemies into violent regions of Imarel there is a strong feeling of defense. The building is placed dead center with the city growing around it over time. There is a small garden behind the building and the whole hotel is surrounded by a wall that is both decorative and functional.

A fountain takes up space just in front of the building, established by Mira as the first feature of the growing settlement that was not purely for survival. Though it isn’t anything particularly grand to look at there are many superstitions around the fountain. It is said that tossing a pebble into the waters brings you good luck, a kernel of corn or wheat to bring you good harvest, and taking your sweetheart to sit at the fountain’s edge provides a better chance to live a long life together.

Inside the hotel there is a broad staircase in front of the main door which splits off to the left and right, branching off into rooms. The second floor of the building is where guests stay and the left stairwell leads to the side of the second floor which is strictly off limits to anyone but the Stormdancer family as it is the family’s personal residence. The main floor has a small sitting room, front desk for checking in, and a dining room. The dining room looks out on the rear garden which is fastidiously tended by the Stormdancer family.

One of the more popular areas of the Arms is the bar. Peope gather here frequently and it's considered to be the main hub of the Hotel for adventurers and travelers.