
Ai Itaru Island - By Brad Kellestine v.1 2020

Center of the Action

Nestled in the waters between Tamayr Shuryu and Albadosia lies a lush tropical island, twin crescent arms branching from a central summit to form a shallow cove filled with exotic fish.  In Taijun, this island is known as Ai Itaru, however the Albadosians refer to it a Ghoz Gur Dhal, or "Ghozoth's leftovers." Whatever it is known by, this island is a virtual paradise strategically placed between the three major landmasses in the area, making it an ideal location to station Hammerspark Hold and use as a base of operations.  

Uninhabited - save for a variety of flora and fauna - there seem to be little more than dilapidated remnants of temporary shelters long abandoned by the Vocorii Zissah from a previous campaign.  The Kaal`Kor made quick work of that, however, hastily extending lifts from the lowermost levels of the hold to the eastern shore near the foot of the mountain. Once the lifts were in place, a team of dwarven craftsmen set up a coastal camp on the western cove for the heroes to operate from, as well as a mining camp for themselves nearer to their landed fortress.

The initial camp consists of merely two structures, in addition to the landed theatre perching a short way inland.  The first is a rustic (if still well crafted) longhouse, a communal sleeping area with enough beds and cots to go around.  Quarters, though small, at least provide a degree of privacy by means of dark, heavy curtains. The northernmost end of the longhouse houses a makeshift first aid station until a proper infirmary is built. 

Closer to the beach lies a large square pavilion, built around a large open-air fire pit, an overly gaudy and glittery sign hanging overhead declaring this structure 'Xandra's Tiki Bar.'  The bar itself is positioned on the west side of the building, with a stone oven extending from the fire pit and north and south counters with mismatched stools. Likewise, tables and chairs scattered around under the roof provide seating, looking as if they were pulled from a myriad of basements and storage rooms that the Kaal`Kor had likely had forgotten about for decades or longer.  Rolled up at the ceiling around all outer walls are heavy oiled canvas blinds that can be drawn down as needed and secured with sturdy straps, to offer cover from the sun, rain, or wind.  

Though there is little in the way of buildings thus far, there is plenty of space and ample natural resources to provide for expansion as necessary.