Timothy A Saunders - Founder

Timothy A. Saunders, the creator, owner, and originator of the World of Imarel, passed away on 8/6/2016. He is survived by a loving family and girlfriend, a world of vast imagination, and a host of friends who will ensure his memory lives on. The world he created, poured his soul and heart into, will forever remain as the legacy he started with the first letters on the first pages.

Tim's life was one of greatness, reflected in the depth of love he leaves behind. As we move forward, we carry on with the knowledge and understanding of what he imparted to us, the great responsibility to ensure his spirit lives on.

Because of who he was, we are certain that regardless of the future, we will never stagnate or give in to sorrow that could dim his memory. He fought to the end and wrote himself into his own world, securing his place at Kaal’s table.

Forever, in loving memory.