
Imarel Travel Guide - by T.A. Saunders ©2010 v1.2

Farwind The Annex of Meluah

Note : As of Tano, 1375, the Continent of Meluah, along with 99.9% of the Xirath population was destroyed as the result of an aspect of Gurhjuua infiltrated the Xirath Hive-Mind in an attempt to dominate the Xirath and subjugate them to its will.  This attempt did not work as planned, creating a massive negation field which destroyed the entire continent, the Hive-Mind, and drove the majority of Xirath abound mad.


 The former capital of the Xirath Empire, the city of Iryin stands as a strange, clockwork double of Old D'Mir in many ways. The Xirath had been very good with the details, given their joined memories went back as far as the the Old Empire. With the willful surrender of the small nation to Farwind at the end of the Benefactor's War, it has grown into a hub of Xirath innovation as they continue to cross the borders between organic and inorganic.

Many highly advanced airship designs have been coming out of Iryin, along with some fine examples of technomancy made specifically for both construction and warfare. Some fear this is the beginning of a new Asyndi Empire, but only time will tell.


 The city of Thylissi stood once as the religious center of the Benefactor, Khazyr's rule. However, with the city destroyed in a titanic battle with the Warriors of Miroa, that eventually saw the mortal death of Nilharys Blackthorne, the Xirath simply decided to not rebuild it. It stands as a smoldering remembrance to the Xirath people, what madness the Benefactor had brought them.


 The city of Kyrsik serves as the airship gateway into the lands of Meluah and both sends and receives the majority of the trade the with the rest of the Farwind Republic. Because the Meluah as a whole is bereft of natural resources, save ore, many trees and plants are shipped here daily with an effort to reforest the land, as well as give the Xirath other materials to work with.

Were one interested in seeing the startling new airship designs coming out of this factory-like land, one need go no futher than Kyrsik where many of them are flying in and out of the city. Few are given leave to visit Meluah as a whole however, with the Xirath people still very shy about dealing with other races, after the War of the Benefactor.