
Imarel Travel Guide - by T.A. Saunders ©2010 v1.2

Kingdom of Vyss Shadowcove The origins of Shadowcove are unclear, though it is a known haven for the Kal`aire since the beginning of recorded history. It is known that the Asyndi Champion, Hazaad had come to this place when he was made into a Kal`aire at the end of the War of Twilight and later when Mourne Dur`lane was made a Kal`aire he too often came here, using it as a base of secret operations for his Enforcers when they set forth to rein in the remnants of the Shar`Vaire Empire. It is thought that Shadowcove may have been once a place where the ancient Asyndi gathered, but later during the course of the War of Twilight, the structure was somehow half-phased into the Shadowlands. Other historians suggest the structure was made by the first Kal`aire and has no Asyndi origins at all; that it was brought from the Shadowlands, by the will of the Spirit of Vengeance to establish a foothold on Imarel for the Kal`aire. While the truth remains obscure, Mourne Dur`lane mentions this in his legendary memoirs:

'I have walked these halls and explored each room with curious endeavor and I must admit that the architecture seems alien, even to one such as I, who has seen whole civilizations rise and fall. The glyphs etched in the stone are not of Asyndi, Elvish, or even Infernal craft, but a language I have yet to translate. The spirits that protect this place are not my ancestors, but they know my name and my purpose. Of all the mysteries Shadowcove presents, it is clear to me that it has been here longer than my people and will likely remain when all things have turned to dust and Vengeance finally sleeps.'

It is thought, because of its partial existence in the Shadowlands, that the surrounding territory known as the Weeping Woods has suffered ill effects. Moving into this thick and ancient wood brings one into an immediately darker place; the sky, even if crystal blue will appear overcast and grey as dimmed light streams through the tangled canvas of dead trees. Animals here are few, save for dire wolves and a rare Shadow Dragon that have taken up residence within the wood. Spirits of the Guilty, those the Kal`aire have hunted and slain throughout the eons of Imarel also wander the Weeping Wood and the halls of Shadowcove, warning those who would trespass upon the innocent.

Shadowcove itself is a ponderous structure that looks as though its blackened walls have sprung from the darkened ground like a great, angry thorn seeking to claw the heavens. While it has the smooth consistency of stone, it is much stronger having survived Radiance strikes with little more than a blemish from where the blast struck. It has only been attacked once in all recorded history, but Mourne's own brother, Surik but even the insane demigod not batter down its gates or tumble its massive walls. All others are wise to leave the Children of Vengeance be, lest their full wrath be unleashed.