
Imarel Faerie-Folk - by T.A. Saunders ©2015 v1.0


“As the season of Lasa approached Aldunah, the Everwood, each
leaf unfurled upon the Hirsalas trees, a newborn Fae of one sort or
another would wake to a new world full of hope and mischief.”

                                                            — Tabersham's Book of Faerie Lore

Before Asyndi fell from Grace, before the Masar whispered darkness into the ears of Zissah, and turned them upon the Van'Su, there were Fae. The very first children of Zorah, they were born directly of a dream she had, in the first days of the existence of Indaris. She awoke from this dream, and walked through her forest, Aldunah the Everwood and found tiny winged folk, curled up in leaves, happily sleeping, or in the process of waking up with soft yawns and merry singing.

Zorah realized quickly what she had done, and gathered all her newborn Fae to her, as a mother would gather her children from play and sat them all in a circle. There were not many in the early days, perhaps thirty in all the acres of her forest, but as anybody who has been a victim of Fae mischief can tell you, thirty is enough to cause more than enough trouble, even for gods and goddesses. Zorah gave her children but one rule: that so long as they did not become cruel, and attack other creatures, save to defend themselves, they would always have her magic, and be a part of her dreams. She warned each and every Faerie, that if they broke this one rule, there would be no second chances. Her magic would be taken from them, and they would be cast from the grace of Indaris, the Bright Heavens.

The first Faeries were happy to listen to their mother, and set about Aldunah, planting flowers, tending to the trees and playing little pranks of the other Indarian Gods, most of all Zorah's husband Kaal, the Flamebringer and their love for the fiery god's great beard and thunderous, joyful laugh and her son, Trentarius who was nearly as mischievous and the Fae themselves.

As the centuries passed, more and more Fae were born and before long, Fae were sneaking out to other places, besides Zorah's forest. Other places upon Indaris, and elsewhere, farther away, including some places their mischief was simply not welcome, such as Lyth or Xos. But the one place Fae liked the most, aside of the Everwood that is, was a place Mother said was called Adanum, in particular a place called Imarel and her moon, Ishaela. Zorah warned her children that mortals were not as understanding as the gods (even the grumpy ones, like Miron), but as with all children, experience is the best teacher.