
The History and Lore of the Nahara - Class creation and artwork By C. Gray, revision v2.1, for use with the World of Imarel.

Code of Personal Behavior

The Nahara consider their whole lives to be an art. Even alone they devote time to practice their skills, research to stay current on information and people, and meditation. Just anyone cannot complete the training required to receive official status as a Nahara, and the few who do have been molded by compatible nature and conditioning to be gracious, refined, and a pleasure to associate with. To accompany their skills there is also a code of conduct that facilitates their art.

    1. All matters with a client are confidential. No matters discussed or interactions with clients may be spoken of outside of the confidence of the Order of Nahara or the private audience of that particular client. Some Nahara have died in torture rather than divulge the secrets of their clients.

    2. Do not pursue topics that upset the client. The Nahara is not a confessional or a nursemaid; she will not pry into information or private affairs on some misguided attempt to turn herself into a confidant. If a client wishes to speak of something, they will. If they do not it is rude and improper to pursue the issue and Companions have, in the past, lost their official status for doing this on complaints from clients to the Order.

    3. Do not talk about one's self with clients. Light matters of a daily nature are acceptable, but intimate, personal, or traumatic moments are entirely unacceptable. Always remember that a Nahara is providing the service of her company, not engaged in intimacy with a lover.

    4. A Nahara may refuse any application for her attention for any reason. Her time is a valuable and highly sought after commodity and she need not waste it with anyone she deems unworthy of it.

    5. Any children produced due to carelessness on the part of the Nahara belong to her. The father may lay no claim nor may the child claim any inheritance from the father. A Nahara may never use children produced from her clients as either a means to bribe for money or a token of blackmail. Indecent behavior of this sort will result in immediate expulsion from the Order of Rhoah, and the child will be taken into the care of the local orphanage.

    6. Anyone claiming official status as a Nahara who is not will be found and brought before to the local government for justice. There is no polite warning. The Order has standards to maintain, standards that it bases its reputation and existence on. Anyone who besmirches those standards by laying claim to something not theirs will be dealt with swiftly and decisively. Most governments consider it as the same level of impropriety as impersonating a city official.

    7. Marriage is the end of a career. A Nahara offers the quality of her art based on a certain level of impartiality. While she may take private lovers, to choose one companion for life is a clear indication of a loss of impartiality. This is not a dishonorable revocation of her status, and she may re-apply for it should her spouse die, but it is both impractical and improper for a Nahara to be married.