
Asyn-Shei - by T.A. Saunders ©2011 v1.0

Racial Articles The Asyn-Shei in Post-Cataclysm Imarel

With the eventual emergence of the Tallis-Kah and their alliance with the Kingdom of Farwind, it was only a matter of time before Asyn-Shei born of Wild Elf and Quar`Vess coupling emerged as well. These Asyn-Shei were not much different than their counterparts, save that they tended to have ruddier skin and were a tad shorter. Any Asyn-Shei born in this manner likely have a Wild Elf parent that does not conform to the Tallis-Kah belief about racial purity to ensure the survival of their kind. While not approving of such mixed couplings, they have never been known to turn away an Asyn-Shei looking to follow in their Elvish parent's footsteps.

Because of their unusual charisma and attractiveness, many Asyn-Shei end up becoming bards, dancers and a select few females become Nahara. Since the process to become a Nahara is a life-long endeavor, most Asyn-Shei know by the time they have reached puberty and commit their mind, body and soul to this time-honored occupation. While not nearly as frequent, there are also Asyn-Shei that choose to follow the path of the arcane and more than a few that take up druidism. The least common occupational path for Asyn-Shei tends to be things that involve melee combat, though there are more than a handful of Asyn-Shei rangers and paladins out in the world.

The Asyn-Shei are accepted widely across Imarel, with only the Shar`Vaire and the Tallis-Vyss regarding them with any measure of disdain. Because of their charismatic presence, even the cold-hearted Shar`Vaire and the xenophobic Shadow Elves have difficulty being entirely disdainful of this particular hybrid. All other races are either generally neutral to the Asyn-Shei or openly welcome them. As most Asyn-Shei are very friendly and warm by nature, it is easy to understand why so many end up involved in the performing arts, rather than delving into something more menial.