
Dracothar - by T.A. Saunders ©2010 v1.0

Racial Articles Racial Limitations

Curse of Lineage

Dracothar are susceptible to Bane Weapons that would otherwise effect dragons. Such weapons strike for half the additional effectiveness they would against ordinary dragons. It is worth mentioning that while the above is true, such weapons are still very painful for a Dracothar to experience! Furthermore, they have an 80% chance to be born with some major form of insanity.

Unavailable Classes

Special: Dracothar can be NO other class, other than Berserker, Warrior or Knight (only exceptional Dracothar can manage to become Knights, most of those are Reavers. Additionally, Dracothar cannot become Samurai). Dracothar lack the subtly or the intellectual acumen to pursue other classes, but certainly have enough contempt and hatred to manage any fighting-oriented career.