
Khavosian Vampire - by T.A. Saunders ©2009 v1.8

Racial Articles Sexuality and the Vampire

Khavos' progeny are considered undead for all intents and purposes. And while capable of feeling emotion, its generally a twisted sort of emotion that becomes a dark parody of human emotions. Can vampires of Khavos' line love? Yes. As one might expect however, it is an abusive and often controlling sort of love that rarely ends well.

Vampires cannot reproduce sexually by any means…even magical. Further, vampires view sex as a means to feed, not as a means to find pleasure. While the pleasure aspect of sex remains mostly intact it pales to the rush one finds from an erotic feeding.

The only case that any sort of half-vampire (Dhampir) can exist is if a blood doll of a vampire becomes pregnant while under the influence of that vampire's blood. More often than not, such women will more likely have a stillborn child as the vampiric blood plays havoc with the woman's body. However in very rare cases a half-vampire can be born this way and are often considered aberrations and slain as soon as they are discovered by the coven.

Even rarer still, those half-vampires that survive have a rough life ahead of them, with the need to take blood for nourishment as well as food and water, though in lesser quantities. They will have minor aversion to sunlight, but be able to move and function normally in the daytime.

Half-vampires will have somewhat enhanced strength, speed and endurance, though never matching that of a true vampire. Additionally, they will inherit two random abilities from their vampiric influence.