
Half-Xalayi - by T.A. Saunders and K. Johnson ©2014 v1.0

Racial Articles Racial Abilities

Kin to the Sea

Half Xalayi are equally comfortable breathing air and water, the latter of course being their primary environment. They are capable of infinite time underwater and can swim down to ocean floors exceeding pressure that would be painful to all other mortal races. This ability to resist deep sea pressure gives Half-Xalayi a natural 45% immunity to stunning/dazing effects. This also allows Half-Xalayi rangers to track underwater without penalty and grants them a measure of Dark-sight for 90 feet. (45% immunity to stun/daze, underwater tracking as a ranger, Dark-sight.)

Swiftness of the Currents

Half-Xalayi swim at a rate 100% faster than other races. While the ability to swim fast doesn't grant them any statistical advantage, it does come in rather handy when having to swim great distances. Half-Xalayi cannot perform the half-shift that their Xalayi parents can, but the webbing on their hands and feet, along with their light bone structures allows them to be swift underwater despite the lack of ability.

Blessing of the Land

While not quite the swimmers their Xalayi parents are, they do surpass them in raw power in large thanks to the parenting from other bloodlines. Half-Xalayi gain a +10% to spell hit if their non-Xalayi parents were Asyndi or Shei or a +10% to melee/range hit if their non-Xalayi parents were either Human or Dragonoid. (+10% spell hit for a Asyndi or Shei parent, +10% melee/range hit for a Human or Dragonoid parent).

Strength of Bloodlines

Half-Xalayi may take one trait from their non-Xalayi parent. Xalayi can mate with Asyndi, Shei, Humans and Dragonoids and produce viable young. (May take one racial ability from the non-Xalayi parent).

Movement of Flowing Water

Half-Xalayi are insanely agile thanks to their mixed lineage granting them a -20% armor rating and a natural 55% to evade one melee/ranged/directed spell attack per round. Should the Half-Xalayi's class already have an evasion score, a +15% is given to that score. (-20% armor rating, 55% evasion or +15% to a class evasion score).