
Half-Xalayi - by T.A. Saunders and K. Johnson ©2014 v1.0

Racial Articles The History and Culture of the Half-Xalayi

As a sub-race, Half-Xalayi do not have a cultural identity or much of a history of their own. In fact, there are so few Half-Xalayi, that up until 1345 AC it was believed by most Imarelian scholars that Xalayi could not have children with other races at all, much like Dwarves. There had been rumors amongst seafaring folks about such children and in mostly all cases, the Halfbreed child was either adopted or in a few cases, forcibly taken to live beneath the waves with their Xalayi parent. This was done to keep them hidden from the world and in so doing keeping the Xalayi hidden from the world as well.

Since most of the Half-Xalayi born are raised with their Xalayian parent, they will typically have Xalayian values and their belief system. However, as more of the Merfolk mingle with other races, more often the children are raised with both parents on the surface. There are so few examples of these exceedingly rare halfbreeds, it's impossible to say wat cultural or social impact their presence will have. There are also no examples of Half-Xalayi heroes or villains of note, unless the Xalayi themselves have lore on such persons and have not, as of yet shared it with the outside world.