
Native Imarel Flora - by T.A. Saunders, B.Kellestine, K.Johnson v3


The Lymkrul tree is a relatively thin tree with black-brown bark and branches that sprout upwards with very wide, shovel-shaped leaves. While generally considered an unattractive tree, the Lymkrul has a wide variety of uses. The bark of the Lymkrul is edible and can simply be eaten off the tree, or it is often crumbled and baked into bread or ground into a powder to be used as an ingredient in cooking. The bark has a sweet, spicy taste to it, which has been popular with the Asyndi for generations and gained popularity with the Humans and Elves in the last few hundred years. The sap of the Lymkrul can also be used in cooking or distilled into a sweet liquor manufactured by the Shar`Vaire, called Sintyri. An extremely potent liquor, Sintyri is often served only in small thimble glasses; a full shot's worth has been known to make even hardy drinkers tipsy. Finally, the roots of the Lymkrul can be ground into a paste, when mixed with flour and water that can be used to remove scars after several applications.