
Native Imarel Flora - by T.A. Saunders, B.Kellestine, K.Johnson v3

Ringed Blackheart

The Ringed Blackheart is a mushroom commonly found in Zoda, Miroa, Tirania and northern Shalzaar that often grows on the base of trees or can be found around fallen logs, or even rocks. The mushrooms themselves are small, black and have bright orange rings at the top of them, as to ward those unwary enough to actually eat one. Instantly poisonous, they will kill within minutes, anybody or anything short of a Voraath who are immune to the toxin they carry. Popular with Northlander assassins, it is most commonly cultivated into a poison that can be added to food or drink, but remain odorless and colorless. The poison kills by causing cardiac arrest but leaving no trace of the toxin itself. A highly trained herbalist or seer could possibly identify the use of such a toxin, but such exploration would have to be done within an hour of the victim's death. Voraath enjoy these mushrooms as snacks between meals and call them Ravaght.