
Native Imarel Flora - by T.A. Saunders, B.Kellestine, K.Johnson v3

Baeula (Ashenroot)

Found only in the Blackened Wastes of Ishaela, Baeula has is widely used by the Sivanoshei as a natural means to eat corruption from the land. Having engineered the plant from several other species, locating it outside the area of the Blackened Wastes that the Sivanoshei are presently trying to repair is impossible unless transplanted somehow. The plant is a hardy, wide-leafed plant that has a small yellow and sometimes white flowers. Pulling the plant from the ground reveals its long, white-gray root responsible for its corruption-devouring talent and its name. If the root is ground up and formed into a paste, it can be used as a curative for entropy-based, Xosium, Xosium and Xiroym-based wounds.